''Vulnicura Strings (Vulnicura: The Acoustic Version – Strings, Voice and Viola Organista Only)'', or simply ''Vulnicura Strings'', is an acoustic album released by Icelandic singer-songwriter Björk as a companion to her 2015 album, ''Vulnicura''. ''Vulnicura Strings'' has been described as a more uncompromising and intimate take on Björk's breakup album, featuring strings-only versions of the ''Vulnicura'' tracks, with the omission of "History of Touches". ==Background and concept== On 20 January 2015, Björk rush-released ''Vulnicura'', her 8th studio album, after the album leaked online just days after being announced. ''Vulnicura'' was a critical success, with praise centering on Björk's strong and intimate lyrics, her powerful string arrangements, and the beats of co-producers Arca and The Haxan Cloak.〔http://consequenceofsound.net/2015/01/album-review-bjork-vulnicura/〕〔http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/jan/22/bjork-vulnicura-review-breakup-album〕〔http://www.rollingstone.com/music/albumreviews/bjork-vulnicura-20150123〕 On 5 October 2015, ''Vulnicura Strings'' was officially announced〔http://pitchfork.com/news/61500-bjork-to-release-all-strings-version-of-vulnicura-shares-new-take-on-lionsong/〕 after some online shops listed the item with few details other than the name. Björk described the genesis of the project on her official Facebook page: "While I was working on ''Vulnicura'', it became one of the most magical thing(s) both musically and spiritually to unite the electronics and the acoustic instruments in an almost romantic way: to prove they can coexist!!... But while working on it I felt somehow for the first time, this was an album that could take another version: a reveal, to simply have the acoustics stand on their own for the folks who wanna indulge even further into the wooden timeless side of this music. With no techno." She elaborated elsewhere, ""For me, strings stand for the nerves of the human bodies. The voice and wind instruments are the lungs. Beats are for dancing and your heart pumping, but when you stroke stringed instruments, it’s like your nerves vibrating. It’s why we sympathise so easily with strings, I think, especially when you’re going through painful stuff. You just want to grab a clip-on mic and get that... 'urrrrrrrrr'. It creates this angsty, almost uncomfortable sound – the sound of really raw emotion." For the stripped down versions of the ''Vulnicura'' songs, Björk kept the vocal takes of the original studio album but decided to use alternate takes of the acoustic instruments recorded during the original recording sessions, stating, "I dug out the more close up pick up miked versions, other sonic point-of-views...". The album includes additional string arrangements by Una Sveinbjarnardóttir, who was a part of the Icelandic String Octet that joined Björk on stage for her 1998 Homogenic Tour. In addition, several songs feature the Viola Organista, a unique instrument designed by Leonardo da Vinci but built for the first time centuries later by Polish musician Sławomir Zubrzycki. Björk described how the instrument works: "...(it) uses a friction belt to vibrate individual strings (similar to a violin), with the strings selected by pressing keys on the keyboard (similar to an organ)." Björk first contacted Zubrzycki by email in 2013 after discovering him on YouTube. She stated, "...like everyone else (I) was just completely blown away. Obviously I wanted to run to Poland, like, NOW, and just record whatever. But I've learned over the years that it's good to not be too impatient." Björk's commitment to her Biophilia Tour, followed immediately by composing and recording duties on ''Vulnicura'', delayed their collaboration until mid-2015, when Björk contacted Zubrzycki again asking him to take part in this new version of ''Vulnicura''. But they did not meet in person. Björk simply sent him the score. "He’s an incredibly talented musician,’ Björk revealed, "and he has more love for that instrument than the rest of us put together. It was clear that the best thing was just to pass it over to him." Zubrzycki recorded his parts in Krakow, Poland and sent the recordings to London. Days later, Björk sent the musician flowers as a thank you.〔http://www.gazetakrakowska.pl/artykul/8990187,krakowianin-zagra-razem-z-bjork,id,t.html?cookie=1〕 In addition to appearing on the tracks "Atom Dance", "Notget" and "Family", the Viola Organista performs a solo instrumental of "Black Lake", ''Vulnicura's'' 10 minute long centerpiece. Björk described why that song and instrument went well together: "I’m glad I waited until after we’d played the album live to record it. After some time had passed, it became obvious that "Black Lake" in particular was just this weird ghost of a song. It doesn't matter what mood you're in, what concert hall you’re in: (performing this song was) always like going back to the Middle Ages. So I thought, OK, this is a little ancient song that would probably have a good relationship with the Viola Organista." In describing why she returned to writing for strings after years of experimental instruments and orchestrations, she offered, "It was kind of perfect timing - I mean, I'd given strings a 12 year break. When I came back to them, I felt a lot more confident, and arranging and transcribing felt much more natural. It's the first time I've really done all the arrangements myself: coming up with the melodies, but also distributing the parts and printing out the scores." She said doing ''Medúlla'', an all vocal album, helped develop her composing skills, adding, "...I did the choir arrangements totally myself. Maybe it was easier for me, because I know the instrument much better – I've been singing since I was a kid. During ''Medúlla'' I sat with the choir working out the music, the harmonies, the Italian – you know, ''forte'', ''piano'', ''sforzando'', that stuff." ''Vulnicura Strings'' was mixed by Chris Elms〔http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/oct/06/bjork-vulnicura-strings-acoustic-new-album〕 and stands as Björk's first companion project to one of her studio albums that wasn't a traditional remix album or a collection of live recordings. It is also her first completely acoustic studio effort. Just like the original release of ''Vulnicura'', ''Vulnicura Strings'' leaked online in inferior mono sound mere days after being announced. Unlike the original album, however, ''Vulnicura Strings'' was not rush released digitally to head off potential loses in sales. The album was released on 6 November 2015 on CD and digital, to be followed a month later by the vinyl edition on 4 December, coinciding with the Rough Trade exclusive double LP/CD releases of ''Vulnicura Live''. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Vulnicura Strings (Vulnicura: The Acoustic Version – Strings, Voice and Viola Organista Only)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク